Renata’s Story

Renata’s Story

Renata moved into Integrity Healthcare of Godfrey on April 4, 2018 from another local facility. Since moving in, Renata has been working with the business manager and social services director to update her contact and benefits information after moving from Southern Illinois.

Late in April, Renata approached the Social Services Director and asked for help applying for a SafeLink Wireless phone. She and the SSD were able to complete the application and get her a new phone that arrived within a few days. When the phone arrived, Renata was excited to be able to have a new method to outreach her family and friends. She immediately asked the SSD to help her activate it and show her how to use it.

Later that same day, Renata asked the SSD if he would be willing and able to help her locate her sister’s phone number in Scottsdale AZ. Through some collaboration, and a lot of googling and Facebooking, Renata and the SSD were able to identify two potential phone numbers. They crossed their fingers and started dialing. When there was an answer, Renata’s face immediately lit up. They knew they had the right number.

After a few minutes of talking and catching up, Renata suddenly became very sullen. She asked the SSD if he would be willing to talk to her sister. Through the conversation, the SSD learned that Renata’s mother had passed away in April and that she had been trying to locate her sister to let her know. They had lost touch 12 months prior and Renata’s whereabouts were unknown to her. Renata’s sister stated that she felt blessed that day to be able to finally know where her sister was and that she was being well taken care of. She stated that she felt that a heavy burden had been lifted. She was tearful, and thankful for everything.

We Are Integrity!  Care You Can Trust!

Submitted by:  Isaac Sandidge

Social Services Director

Integrity Healthcare  of Godfrey